Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again...
Welcome to my notebook, where a page is another world.

Monday, November 16, 2009

A Baby at 20??

Yes, teen pregnancy is rampant in this generation, but they became pregnant unintentionally. If you get married at 19, and expect to have a baby when you're 20 years old, you must be on crack. These days, being 25 to 30 is a time to settle down and start a family. It's not that you're getting old, it's that your party days are over, to put it bluntly. A 28 year-old in Juicy Couture is eye-squinting. I myself am 20 years old and is loving my childless youth because I NEED A LIFE!

I grew up the conservative Christian way. Yes, the people who see sex before marriage more evil than domestic violence. In the fall of 2007, I went to Word of Life Bible Institute in hopes to learn about the Bible. Instead, I was used for free labor and treated like an imbecile for nine months before I dropped out. It's people like those who get brainwashed and join the Word of Life cult that makes others not want to be Christian.

At Word of Life, they encouraged early marriages. If you weren't married, you were seen as a person in need of high discipline. Don't ask me why; they are a cult. I myself am aware that I am too young to make such choice. Yes, I don't need sex to be in love! I love my boyfriend and we have a healthy relationship without the need of marriage to complete it. I still don't know if he is the one for me. You know why, I HAVE A LIFE!! I was sick of all this "turn to your left, turn to your right. That person could be your next husband or wife. Hahaha" and " We are known as Word of Life Bridle Institute because everyone finds their future spouse here. hAhAha". I don't need a husband now. Funny thing, I never met my future husband nor any potential boyfriend until a month after dropping out of Word of Life when I met my current boyfriend. Ironic? No. I HAVE A LIFE!!

Because of this early marriage, you're going to get pregnant at some point... at 20 years old! Woah, it almost felt like someone sprayed pepper spray in my eyes. You see, the difference between teen pregnancy and early marriage pregnancy is that when a teen gets pregnant, they weren't expecting to have a baby. Being married so young intentionally and having a baby with great anticipation knowing you will be having a baby is ear tearing. If you're too young to have a beer legally, you're too young to have a baby!

Again, I will stress this: I HAVE A LIFE!! My youth is short and I don't want to give up my life to take care of a baby that will come through my VAGINA. Yes, Word of Life, I said VAGINA. Sue me, please. The painful procedure will keep me in rememberance that I traded my life to the baby. I do want a child of my own, SOMEDAY, NOT NOW. Audience, enjoy your youth now because you will never have it back. All your friends will have lots of fun living the single life and you will be stuck at home taking care of the baby...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Badge of... Honor?

December 2006- I was at a rehearsal for an upcoming live theatre performance produced by viBe Theater and starring us brilliant high school girls. That day, we had a young lady observing us and maybe "possibly" joining us, which in the future she never did. Anyway, our vibrant leaders introduced us to her. I don't remember her name; I just remember she was blond, tall, and a bit chunky. When they said she lives in New York City, she held two fingers (index and middle) and claimed her Upper East Side existence. It was like she had to make a reference to her location or else it would've been unrealistic of her living in Manhattan. Whatever. No one praised her for it. It's not like she lived next to Gossip Girl or something.

May 2008- I visited a church on 55th Street and was conversating with the people around me. I told a girl (woman, lady) where I live and again, I saw that same position of fingers. She held it high and said she lived in Sixty-Something Street and Whatever Avenue. I guess she had to prove to me that she lived in a more refined area than me, thus pushing the forever (hopefully ending) stereotype.

Do those fingers prove something? It's like a badge or a pledge of honor to symbolize their social status and just by displaying them, it'll make me inferior. Well, I'm from the Bronx. The Bronx has a stereotype of being a dangerous place. Does this mean my badge is sticking my middle finger? That'll prove my location.

"Hey, where do you live, Tatiana?"

I quickly point my middle finger in her face and say, "The Bronx. Booyah!"

It may dissolve those Manhattan fingers. What have they got to prove? Nothing. Most of the badge promoting pushers aren't from this city. I'll probably one day move out of this city and live somewhere peaceful, like the Adirondacks. I want to escape the conflict of this terrible stereotype and have people finally see me as a gentle spirit and not allow it to corrupt based on my hometown. Please, people, the Bronx is a beautiful place!