Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again...
Welcome to my notebook, where a page is another world.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Haven't you ever heard how the Bronx is so bad and your friends that live in the East Village who are actually from nowhere town USA suddenly move to the fake NYC to attend NYU paid by their rich parents, say that they can never enter the Bronx and they don't do "borough" based on what they've heard? Well, how ignorant of them to know that once upon a time, living in the East Village was for the poor and the Bronx was for the very wealthy. A major street in the Bronx, The Grand Boulevard and Concourse, or officially known as Grand Concourse, has the most majestic buildings in all boroughs. I'm sorry, but Brooklyn is the ugliest borough, no matter what the money eating hipsters say. Living on the Grand Concourse was like living in Park Avenue today. If you've walked there, don't you notice the fantastic details on the buildings only the rich could afford? Don't you notice in the East Village, SoHo, and TriBeCa, how all the buildings look the same, except for the newly constructed ones based on gentrification?

Yes, Upper East and West Sides have always been for the rich. Washington Heights was also for the rich, and so was Inwood. When you cross the George Washington Bridge coming in to New York, haven't you noticed the buildings that occupy Washington Heights are more beautiful than your squished building Downtown? Basically, the rich have always taken opposite sides to stay as far away from the poor as possible. Just like how the rich went from being the most pale faced mummies, to the darkest burnt corpses by frying their skin from tanning. It was said that since the poor was always outside working, they developed darker skin. The rich was always inside because they were too rich to work and because of that, they developed pale skin. But, when the Industrial Revolution came about and the poor were locked into giant dark factories, their skin turned very pale and the sign of richness was doomed. After Coco Chanel came back from a Mediterranian getaway, the tan became a craze based on sexiness and value of wealth. You were rich enough to relax outside on a beach and soak in some sun, while your dad's company hired a vast majority at a sweatshop. One small change can revolutionize the social class.

My life has always been opposite. I never understood it. Like, when a family member of mine doesn't want to take a picture with us, our aunt would blame my sister and I (we are twins). They call us odiosa, which I don't have a translation in English but it isn't a nice word to call someone. Or whenever I think about the worst of something, the outcome is excellent. If someone tells me to think the best of something, the result is bad. But, if I think it's going to be incredibly boring or it will be a bad time, the end is the best day. It might be Murphy's Law soaked into my soul.

My name is Tatiana and I'm from the Bronx. I love the history of New York City, especially the Bronx and Downtown Manhattan. I frequently write about everything and anything I want. I have notebooks filled with pages of my fresh mind. I read and read and read. I love to read. I love theater, ballet, filmmaking, and anything related to the arts. I is a selfish word. It brags about me, which doesn't want me to talk about you. You makes me feel equal. This is a little introduction about myself based on reality. Call it journaling, blogging, it's just writing to me. This is how I view my world. How about yours?

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