Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again...
Welcome to my notebook, where a page is another world.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Books are Fun

Winter 1996: There was an event at my church. While the adults were in the service room, us kids were on the other side being watched by caring mothers who chose to watch over us roudy children. My sister and I being very gullible seven-year olds, we were asked by the older kids what we do for fun. We pulled out books we borrowed from the library and said our dad told us to bring books so we wouldn't get bored. They told us to put it away because it was stupid. We sadly listened.

When my sister worked at Pac Sun, there were these very young girls walking in with very heavy makeup on. She asked how old they were and they said, "Thirteen, no wait, twelve."

Kids these days think reading is boring and following "adult" like figures are way awesome. Okay, what's wrong with reading? It wasn't until now at my young adult age where I saw reading is so cool and I want to write a book but don't know where to start. My father just finished a book after writing it for thirty years. BEAR: Flight to Liberty.

These days, there are so many books and thousans of topics, how can it be easy to choose what you want to read? Stories, how to's, non-fiction, facts, information, gosh there's so much more. It's like when someone asks you what are your interests and your mind goes blank. And, there are books for teens that talk about real life instead of what stupid thing your favorite celebrity did. I've read the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and the other three books following.

Lately, I've been reading those Harlequin novels. I know, it's a dirty book. I haven't picked one up in a month. Lost interest, I guess. It was always the same topic: A common woman gets encountered with a foreign man who's a prince and they've been captured for some reason and couldn't be released. So, during that time, they fall in love and once the spell was broken, they get married and have children. The end. Yay.

Kids are being sucked into begging their parents to buy them Wii, Twinkies, and the latest gadget available at your local Toys R Us, only because they bring happiness to your child's eyes. If you tell them we're taking a family trip to Barnes and Noble, they'll cry and scream and hide in their video game hut. When I was ten, going to Barnes and Noble was a picnic.

So why not head over to your local libray or bookstore? Books are an entertainment for your mind. You get to dream how the characters you want them to look like instead of watching a movie like Dark Knight and say the character for his girlfriend was too old. The more you read, the more you know. Documentaries can totally inform you, but you can't carry it with you. Grab a good book and read it outside in the warm sun. A slight of encouragement doesn't hurt.

I can't write anymore. I need to grab a book.

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