Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again...
Welcome to my notebook, where a page is another world.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I Heard Petroleum Baths Are Beneficial

We humans have allowed ourselves to depend on petroleum. It's everywhere, literally. We rub the stuff on our skin, we eat it, we breathe it. Yes, we breathe it! The petroleum distillates we breathe when we walk through a gas station. The lotion we rub on our skin after taking a shower. It's full of petrolatum (Vaseline), PEG, and mineral oil. the BHT and TBHQ the General Mills implanted into our food for "freshness". Yes, America, we have a significant petroleum dependence.

And from there led to the amazing chemical industry. You see, we are very very far from nature. Go tell anyone that by drinking clay, it will get rid of toxins in your body. That's right; they won't believe you. Doctors have administered petrochemicals into our bodies for over a hundred years. This new mindset of medicine is far from what the term "medicine" should define. Doctors are poisoning us every day with this "medicine". It has come to a point that we no longer value what God created and leave behind by what was once known as fact, now a myth, to the twenty-first century's humanistic eye.

When we watch the fabric softener commercials, oh the glory of watching that flawless lady run outside into the fresh open fields and holding that warm blanket. She smells it's lovely fragrance of pure and natural scent. She smells petroleum, ladies. Sorry, it's true. How? Well, there is absolutely nothing natural about those fabric softeners! The chemical companies display free flowing nature commercials about their products to get the idealism that it is natural in some way. When we smell that tube of sunscreen, doesn't that remind us of going to the beach? Beach is natural. Sunscreen, uh, no. It's got the same idea. Yes, we are zillions of miles away from nature.

The lotion advertises that it has aloe and oatmeal as its components to make your skin super soft. Why doesn't it claim that it's the mineral oil? Johnson and Johnson baby oil advertises that it makes your skin super soft. It never tells you why. Petrochemicals are constantly being rubbed into our bodies like it's a ritual. Propylene glycol is anti-freeze. Hello, do you want anti-freeze in your body? It's also in your toothpaste. Don't believe me? Check. Toluene is in nail polish, or I should say, once in American nail polish. Now that the American market finally realized that toluene is toxic, I wondered where they sent all the toxic nail polishes. Well, on my visit to Dominican Republic, in the beauty section at La Sirena, the Dominican Wal-Mart, every single nail polish had toluene and dibutyl phthalate, which is another highly toxic petrochemical that causes birth defects in baby boys. Did you know 95% of perfumes, including designer perfumes, contain petrochemicals? Please do more research on the toxicity of personal care at www.cosmeticsdatabase.com.

Wood varnishes, shoe polish, ink, chewing gum, corn, pantyhose, shampoo, yarn, and so many other products contain petroleum. A while ago, I wondered where plastic came from. I've been told they were synthetic, artificial, and nature can't reproduce it. So, where in the world does this item come from? I read an article about sugar fibers and its use to make plastic. It mentioned that our convential plastic was made of petroleum. I was like, "What? Yuck! How?" From there it planted a seed of knowledge. It slowly grew as I learned what petroleum makes. That now we have depended so much on this "wonder", it will slowly curve to the curiosity of what would happen if there were no more oil.

The funny thing is that people don't want to believe me when I say that petroleum makes everything. We are slowly running out of oil. The damage has been done. If mineral oil shrink wraps our skin, then it's the petrochemicals floating around in the air shrink wrapping it, thus causing global warming. The artificial coloring in our desserts, the color in hair dye, the styrofoam that comes in our package, should lead the American public to ask, "If it's synthetic, where does it come from?" It's common sense. Here is a website that covers partially what petroleum makes: http://www.ranken-energy.com/Products%20from%20Petroleum.htm

Will America ever decide to switch from styrofoam, to sugar based equivilants? Will American women realize they have been poisoning their bodies for many years? Will the government finally stop using petroleum and start looking into the mythological nature derivatives? To be honest, I hope that this will be a lesson. When the Earth runs out of petroleum, it may be the cause of World War III.

Friday, January 1, 2010

My Name is Not Natalia

Natalia is my twin sister. She is older than me by one minute. No, she was not born first because we wrestled and she won, like what ignorant people say. She had an emergency and almost died. So, that's why I'm second.

Something has been bothering me as to why my family does this. For some reason, they always call me Natalia, ALWAYS!!!! Okay, so why am I whining? Because I am an individual, not one person, like what ignorant people say.

Then, you would say, "So stop whining. They're your family and they're trying to be funny."

I would say, "Oh man, you do not want to be in my shoes."

Even when sister isn't around, they call me Natalia. Like, I was on a recent trip to Dominican Republic and my uncle accompanied us. The man could NEVER pronounce my name and said Tatonia. He even called me Natalia. Oh my fuzzles, I was so annoyed. She was not even with us. We were thousands of miles away in an another country and he dares to call me Natalia.

My aunt forever calls me Natalia, no matter how much I say back that I'm Tatiana. Example:

Aunt: "Natalia, can you help me with this?"

Tatiana: "My name is Tatiana."

Aunt: "Oh, I'm sorry, Natalia, Natalia; ay, I always say your name wrong." (transalted from Spanish)

Even my eighty-something year old grandmother still calls me Natalia. Last night, she asked my mom if I were her. A reason why I chose to go on my separate ways in high school was so that people would see me as an individual. And, it worked. I felt like one person.

My mom thinks I'm exaggerating when I complain about this. She says family members do call her by her sisters. Yes, true, but my problem happens ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME! My sister doesn't care to see her relatives. She's always with her friends no matter the occasion. For Christmas, she didn't visit relatives because her friends were with theirs. So, she didn't go out. Natalia is always absent. TATIANA is always there. Then, they say that TATIANA doesn't care about the family because she's never there. Do you know how much TATIANA is there for her family??

Everytime I visit Natalia's Facebook, I see all the seventeen comments people post when she writes how she ate bad sushi and vommited. I cannot believe all the people that pay attention to what she writes. I honestly don't want to be jealous, but this girl says she has low self-esteem. I do agree when someone ignorantly says the reason why she's chunkier than me is because she eats more than me. But, no one replied when I write that I returned from Dominican Republic. Very few people reply to my posts. Maybe one or two and maybe someone will like it. But, that's it. I feel stupid for allowing Facebook to my my life, but it is an internet life that connects people from their homes and when in person, it gives absolute truth. No one really calls to ask if they want to hang around with me. I am making one good friend, which I'm happy for, but it's in a developing process. But for now, I'm not Tatiana. I'm the frame for Natalia so others criticize Tatiana.