Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again...
Welcome to my notebook, where a page is another world.

Friday, April 16, 2010

My Gold Medal Prized Art Short Essay (lolz moment)

Okay, I wasn't serious when I said I was going to hang it up on my fridge. It's inside a drawer in the living room where I put all my school notes, exams, and quizzes. My art professor really did read it out loud and awarded me the "gold medal", although it was only a verbal medal. Here it is by request from my favorite cousin Gino and to others who want to read it. It is about a statue made by Antonio Canova called Cupid and Psyche.

Cupid and Psyche was love-at-first sight when I ventured through the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The position of Psyche’s arms reaching to Cupid is pure grace. It shows the femininity of women. When I saw it, it made me feel loved because Cupid is holding Psyche. I felt a feeling that it is only with love that you may forgive someone. It felt as if no matter what happens that Cupid was there for Psyche. Psyche looked like in a troubled state, but now is feeling rescued. I really liked the way the artist positions their bodies; Psyche laying down with her upper portion raised and Cupid on top in a bending down position. Usually it is women that gain control over men. Men have a supernatural feeling of always being indestructible. But, when he lays his heart on a woman, he becomes weak. In this model, it is the woman, mainly Psyche, reaching out to the man, Cupid. She wants his help and his kind heart is there for her. The artist sent me a message saying that both male and female may lay down their armor of superiority and rescue each other of any troubles. It surpasses feminism and macho. Antonio Canova has taught me a lesson on the equality of love.

Loves and kisses and lots of sweet pleasures...

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