Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again...
Welcome to my notebook, where a page is another world.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Please Don't Take Away My Sanity

Chewing gum is something for the life of it, I will NEVER tolerate. One thing is for sure: YOU LOOK LIKE A FREAKIN' COW. I must use capitol letters as this is how I utmost feel. Why must you expose yourself with the most annoying sound? What did I do to you? Do you hate me? WHY???

It all started in the eighth grade. My class was taking a very important history test and I was struggling (I didn't study!). My brain was firing cracker jacks. At that point, anything could annoy and distract me. And, that was when, that boy sitting next to me was slapping his gum. I shuddered. I moaned. I held my hands to my ears. I wish he saw me. I am now ruined.

I cannot walk the streets and hear someone chewing gum loudly. It makes me want to hurt them. Makes me want to punch their mouths and rip their jaws. I want to allow them to feel what I'm feeling deep down inside. When someone chews loudly on the train, I move away. I don't care if they look at me wrong. They're the ones that were rude in the beginning. One time, I had to get off the train because I didn't want that lady to sit next to me with her mouth with that vile product. Of course, she looked at me like I didn't want to sit next to her because she was black. It's always that reason, as they say in their minds. No lady, you were just bothering me with your gum; that's all. I love everyone except for gum.

In high school, it was way worse. I couldn't ask them to close their mouths. They would: a) laugh and continue their slew, b) spit at me, c) smash the gum in my hair, or d) curse me out. I didn't want to go through it, so I buckled up, closed my ears, and "tolerated".

Did you know that chewing gum is made from petroleum. Gasp, very true. It's made from a rubber called butyl rubber, a synthetic rubber. Just when you learned in class that it's made from chicle, well, you're wrong. It's butyl rubber made from fused dinosaur bones, not a tree. Imagine you chewing your despicable gum that's made from the same stuff that makes gasoline. Imagine all the smoke the smoke stacks release into our precious air. Yeah, that's right, you're contributing to global warming. No wonder gum doesn't digest in your system. It's not real!

Please people, for the sake of sanity, close your mouths while chewing gum. It will make everyone happy, including me. You can enjoy your petroleum and I will enjoy my peace of mind. It's really rude to see your mouth wide open; it encourages children to eat with their mouths open. I do not care if it is lemon curd flavored, it's all artificial yuck to me. I will never chew a piece of gum. My dream is to live in Singapore. Gum is illegal. Yes, maybe that's where I will be given my sanity.

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